For 3-4 people:
4 langoustines (Spanish: cigalas)
4 big gamba's
For the stock:
400 gram cangrejo y galera (= sea crabs, you can also use shrimp)
400 gram gamba's or shrimp with head and tails (heads and tails for the stock, the gamba's need to be fried)
1 bay leaf
1 clove of garlic
Fry in pan:
olive oil
half an onion
4 grated tomato's
1 cuttlefish (cut in small pieces)
Paella rice
Boil plenty of water for the stock. Add "cangrejo y galera", bay leaf, 1 garlic clove (whole) and simmer. Peal gamba's and add the shells to the stock. Skim foam off stock. Add saffron to the stock. You can also make a stock with just the heads and tails of the gamba's, bay leaf and garlic (in that case skip the "cangrejo y galera").

Cut the cuttlefish in small pieces. Grate the tomatoes, discard the skin. Cut onion very finely. Clean the mussels.

Heat olive oil in paella pan. Fry mussels in oil, remove them and keep aside.

Fry langoustines and big gamba's, add a little salt. Remove them and keep warm.

Fry onion.

Add cuttlefish and small gamba's.

Fry tomato's together with the onion, cuttlefish and gamba's.

Add paella rice. Fry for a little while and add a glass of white wine. Let the wine absorb.

Add stock through a sieve. Add a little salt and simmer until the rice is half done. Instead of saffron you can add Spanish yellow food dye at this moment, although this is just for color and doesn't taste of anything (I was told).

Add langoustines, big gamba's and mussels to the pan and simmer until the rice is done.

Serve with lemon.
Note: a paella pan is very thin. When the rice in the middle was done, the rice near the sides was still uncooked. You really need an even fire.
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