Monday, March 31, 2008


Bakkeljauw is basically salted cod. It does need a little preparation though.

This recipe is for half a kilo of salted cod. You can use the much cheaper pollock (coalfish; Dutch: witte koolvis).

Wash in cold water to remove salt. Try to remove as much of the skin as possible. Cook the cod for 15 minutes, cool and remove the bones. Flake the cod and set apart.

Fry in some vegetable oil:

1 onion, cut in very small pieces
2 tomato's, cut very finely
1 table spoon of tomato puree (for color)
1 or 2 fresh hot chili peppers, mashed
2 gloves of garlic, mashed

Add the cod/pollock flakes and fry for another 10 minutes. Season with black pepper. Keep in the fridge for about a week.
Since this is a Surinamese recipe this works best with Surinamese peppers like adjoema or madam jeanette.

Bakkeljauw can be eaten with rice and even tastes great in a tortilla (Spanish omelette).

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